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 come n Go

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Nombre de messages : 291
Age : 52
Localisation : pas la
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2007

come n Go Empty
MessageSujet: come n Go   come n Go EmptyMar 23 Oct - 9:13

un groupe du coin qui mérite tout votre attention

The Come N' Go play a brutal, blistering bloody style of Rock N Roll. Mixing the wailing sounds of modern Memphis blues punk like The Oblivians or The Reatards with the bluesy grinding grooves of the late 60's and early 70's, The Come N' Go continue to deliver their wild, out of control and 'in your face' Rock N Roll. This is not for the weak hearted, my friend. We're talking real kick-ass, beer-drinking, fist-fighting blues to make sure you get through your working week without killing someone.

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